This is your dedicated webpage on the website. Share a story. Send us your All-Class reunion pictures. Tell us your favorite MHS memory or forward a simple greeting to: or and we can post it here.

Our 50th anniversary is tonight, August 10, 2024

We Want to Post Your Pictures
from the Class of 1974 50th Reunion

MILFORD (June 12, 2024) - The Class of 1974’s 50th Reunion Committee will be holding an Open Meeting on Thursday, June 13, 2024, at the Board of Education’s meeting room at 6 p.m. at the Parson’s Complex (former Milford High School building). All are welcome. Plans are continuing for the 50th Reunion, which will be held on August 10, 2024, at Grassy Hill Country Club.

MILFORD (January 19, 2024) - A very Happy New Year 2024 to everyone from the MHS Class of 1974’s 50th Reunion Planning Committee, which continues to meet and refine the plans for our 50th Reunion now set for Saturday, August 10, 2024, at the Grassy Hill Country Club.

NOTE: Saturday, August 10, 2024, is the revised date for our formal reunion event.

Committee members include Class President Brian Crocco, Lauren McNabb, Herman “Rich” Borer, Lorraine Kluck Burrell, Susan Jenney Piscitelli and Chris Carroll.

Stay tuned to this page and our Class of 1974 Facebook page for more information.

At the June 24, 2023, MHS All-Class Reunion, classmates were talking about our upcoming 50th anniversary. Among the suggestions:

Start a 1974 MHS Facebook page: A great idea.

CLICK HERE to go to our Class of 1974 Facebook page:

This website is also available to help organize. Send us your comments, reunion pictures and anything at all (almost) to:

Another idea: We need update our Class of 1974 contact list. Email is a great way to rapidly communicate.


If you are a member of the Milford High, Milford, CT, Class of 1974 - please send your contact information to:


If you are a member of the Milford High, Milford, CT, Class of 1974 and would like to get more information and about the 50th reunion - send your contact information and questions to:


Sandy Ember Hunting from the Class of 1974 wrote to the MHS All-Class Committee on May 27, 2023:

“Hello MHS!

“Thank you for the invite for the all-class reunion scheduled for this June 24th, 2023!!  I have missed so many and was hoping to at least catch one more given the older we are all getting.  But I have to share that although I would absolutely love to join everyone, right now it is a difficult June with lots of graduations, birthdays, travel baseball, and 43rd wedding anniversary to be had, which makes this opportunity a tad harder especially coming from Sacramento, CA. Happy to say I am well and happy and crossing my fingers for the next reunion. So please keep my address and contact.  I hope this turn-out is wonderful for all.  Have a great time and sorry I cannot make it, but until the next time, a big thank you!!” 

Email us your pictures and your stories and memories of the 50th Reunion and any other memories or stories from high school to our email address at:

50th Reunion Open Meetings: May 21, June 13 & July 11, 2024

We are pleased to invite all MHS Class of '74 members to three upcoming "Open Meetings" as we continue to plan our August 10, 2024 "50th Reunion" to be held from 6 to 10 p.m. at Grassy Hill Country Club, Orange. No reservations needed to attend any meeting. Bring your class spirit and ideas! MEETINGS OPEN TO ALL: (1) Tuesday, MAY 21, 6 to 8:30 p.m., Board of Education's Meeting Room, Parsons Complex (former MHS); (2) Thursday, JUNE 13, 6 to 8:30 p.m., same room, Parsons, and, (3) Thursday, JULY 11, 6 to 8:30, same. The committee is looking forward to seeing anyone and particularly those who wish to volunteer for a committee to help at the event, including day-of-event setup / registration help, fundraising/raffle and more. Send any questions or comments to:

1974  Yearbook.JPG